Monday, 28 April 2008

The long awaited TF2 update is nearly upon us!!!

So after having waited for well over a month now after Valve told us the original release date was to be sometime in March and now it has fallen back to the week of the beginnind of May.

Well hopefully this means that it will not be too much of a dissapointed, saying that Valve never delivers anything on time but when it does get delivered we know for sure that it is going to be one of the best things to happen since, well sliced bread!

Haha. Yes this is going to be yet another big update from Valve however we have not been told yet as to whether this update will be bigger than the last update which was released by Valve not so long ago.
I do however have a feeling that it will be, after all it will have around 40 new achievements, new weapons to unlock and a new, huge map. Wow what a mouthful!

Anyway seeing as the update has been promised by Steam to come out this week I took the liberty of taking two screenshots to show everyone that it is to be released this week and that basically if Valve go back on their word we have evidence to prove otherwise!

Anyway here are the two screens:

Team Fortress 2 Steam Update News

Team Fortress 2 Steam Update News

Will keep you posted,


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