Tuesday, 20 January 2009

We are coming back...

Well what a great start to 2009. Well kind of seems like the year has started somewhat rather bleak what with Woolworth's shutting and so many other businesses announcing job cuts however have not fear for...

Hello all AAA Fans!

Just to announce that the site will start to become active once again over the coming weeks. What with the Christmas period and the mad rush of games released by developers in the fourth quarter of last year and Akardo bogged down with Sixth form and myself bogged down with other things we seem to have neglected the site a little bit.
So we are going to bringing to your attention some reviews as mentioned over the coming weeks so please come back and keep checking as to what will be happening!

See you all soon,

The AAA Partnership

Yes you read it right me and Akardo will be coming back pretty soon with the AAA Partnership and shall be updating as regularly as possible in light of trying to get the site up and running again and being more productive with it. What with the fourth quarter rush of games having also gone hopefully we shall be able to look back on some of the releases of last year and review them along with some of the major upcoming games for this year. Most notably for myself Empire Total War and Dawn of War 2 at this minute in time.

Also planning on keeping the blog updated a lot more with varying topics either every day or perhaps every other day depending on time schedules etc. At this minute in time I have been a little lax due to other demands.


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